Schedule Management

The gym schedule allows you to lay out the weekly training sessions at your gym, as well as scheduled events such as seminars, promotion events, birthday parties and more. This information is used for 4 important features:

  • The schedule shown on the gym website
  • Member attendance tracking, for tracking which sessions a member attended
  • Session booking through the gym website
  • Controlling gym access through the memberships

If you use any of those features, you should fill out the schedule before moving to other areas, which is why we recommend doing this as part of the initial gym set up.

Adding Events

To add a schedule event, click on the day in the schedule you would like to create the event on.

This will open the event creation dialog -

There are several properties you can set to customize each session:

  • Session title: Describe the session in less than 250 characters
  • Recurrence: You can have sessions appear every week, or set to a specific date only.
  • Skills: You can assign skills to each session, which can show up on the website schedule and also be used for tracking skill progression. When assigning a skill to a weekly recurring session, you can have the skill show up every week, or just for the date you added it on, using the small icon on the right side.
  • Start time: Hour and minutes in 24 hour format.
  • Duration: In minutes
  • Start / End dates: If you set a session to show up every week, you can limit it to a specific date range using the start / end dates.
  • Instructor: Appears on the website schedule, and also used for time tracking for instructors.
  • Program: Pick the sport / program this session belongs to. This affects which sessions a membership provides access for.
  • Color: You can color-code your sessions, to make it easier to scan the schedule visually.
  • Show On Public Schedule: Show or hide this event from the website schedule.
  • Attendance Tracking: Event will be available for attendance tracking on the check-in screen.
  • Available for booking: Checking this box on will create a bookable slot in the booking section of the website and manager account. People will be able to book private sessions, the entire gym for events and any other kind of appointment you would like to create.
    • Save booking as a lead: You can have a booking create a lead in the marketing section if you would like to track it separately. This is useful if you create a bookable slot for a trial and want to make sure to follow up with this person later.
    • Max Capacity: You can allow multiple people to book a group session, and limit the number of people who can do it before it fills up.
    • Show only to members: Session will only be visible for booking through the online member portal.
    • Show only to managers: Session will not show up on the website schedule, booking widget or members portal. Only managers are able to book this session from the manager account.
    • Enable Waitlist: You can allow members to join a waitlist once a session has reach its booking capacity. If someone cancels, the first member on the waitlist will receive their slot and an Email notification.
    • Cost: Entering a cost for booking will require payment when the booking is made. Visitors can pay with a credit-card, and members can also use their cards-on-file, as well as their account balance.
  • Remote session: You can mark a session as remote - this will show an icon on the schedule (the "Zoom" logo) indicating it's a remote session. Optionally, you can also include a link to remote training (such as a zoom or Google Meet link), and clicking on the remote icon will take the member there.

It is possible to have overlapping sessions - as you might have more than one taking place at the gym at the same time.

Editing events

To editing an existing event, click on the event in the schedule. This will open the event edit dialog, which is identical to the session creation dialog. Click on the "Save" button to apply your changes.

Private Training Schedule

You can separate your private lessons into a separate private training schedule. This allows you to keep your regular training schedule more organized and consistent, especially if you have many private lessons.

When you have at least one instructor on your staff, you will the "Private training" option show up on the schedule management screen:

Switching to the "Private training" schedule will allow you to create sessions that show up separately from the regular schedule. Those sessions would also show up in the booking widget.

Additionally, instructors are able to manage their own availability in the private training schedule through their staff user account. They are able to add and remove sessions, as well as cancel sessions they are assigned to.

Marking gym closure

You can mark the gym as closed for the entire day on the schedule by clicking the "X" icon at the top-right of the day column on the schedule.